Why do sheep love guided tours of Yorkshire? Because they like to feel SHEAR bliss! 

The Sheep of Yorkshire 

Yorkshire is well known for its strong agricultural heritage. This includes sheep farming! 
One of Yorkshire's most iconic sheep breeds is known as the Swaledale Sheep. These sheep are a hardy breed that are well-suited to the Yorkshire Dales, which is known for its rugged terrain. They have distinctive white faces and have very sturdy bodies, which makes it easy for them to cope with challenging upland environment. 
In Yorkshire, you may also find the Wensleydale Sheep, known for their curly, long wool. You'll also find the Masham Sheep
The wool industry was a major economic driver in Yorkshire during the middle ages. Today, while the wool industry has declined in its prominence, sheep farming remains an integral part of Yorkshire's rural economy and a cherished aspect of its cultural heritage. 
The sight of sheep grazing on the hillsides continues to be a quintissential part of Yorkshire's wonderful landscape. 
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